James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Boats, beach and baseball...

We took Kelly to Alki for a morning walk.
Of course, Lola managed to track down a playground.
Child has a sixth sense when it comes to slippery slides.

She's become so brave lately.

 We finally were able to lure the babies to the beach with the promise of fruit snacks.
Lola was determined to find a princess "lawn" (wand) in the giant pile of sticks lining the surf.

 What on earth is the deal with tiny people and throwing rocks into water?
Both my kids could do it all day long.

And that's not an exaggeration.

That evening, Kel and I walked to Safeco to watch the Mariners take on some other team.
I go to the games for the soft serve ice cream-filled helmets.

About halfway through the game it started to sprinkle, so the giant sliding roof moved into place.
Aside from my ice cream, this was the highlight.
So. Cool.

 On our way home, we walked past the market.
It's a little creepy at night.
But not as creepy as the giant, hammering man in from of the Seattle Art Museum.

 My legs are starting to ache as I write this.
The theme of this day was most definitely walking.

But even with all that mileage we banked, I'm fairly certain I'll be working off that ice cream for the next year or so.

No self control.