James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Saturday, November 13, 2010

A grandma, a grandpa, a baby and Park City...

Wouldn't you see that movie?
I know I would.  Total intrigue.

We were lucky enough to escape up the canyon last month for a quick visit with my parents, who happened to be staying in Park City.  Since I look for any excuse to make it up to Park City (and to see my parents, of course), we were thrilled at the chance to check out the changing leaves and raid the hotel snack bar.

Lola adored every second she got to spend with two of her favorite people in the world.
She even tolerated Reece and I and allowed us to join in their play time.

We stocked up on chips, apples and sodas from the lounge and sat by the indoor pool.
Lola, once terrified of all things aquatic, begged to be allowed in the water
Of course, grandma and grandpa obliged.

There's nothing quite like a baby in a furry vest and a diaper.

Our visit, as always, was much too short.
The curse of working weekends, I suppose.
But it was a lovely morning spent in a lovely place with the loveliest of company.


Jessica said...

That Lola is always such a fashionista! Next thing I know, Ell's going to want to rock the diaper/vest look.