James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Flashes of San Francisco: Part One...

Waking up at 4:30 a.m. to catch our flight in a blizzard -- Not Good.
Arriving in California to sunshine -- Good.

Arriving at our hotel to find a stern warning -- Hilarious.

Arriving at our hotel to find a beautiful view of the city -- Fantastic.

Posing with random sculpture alone -- Odd.

Posing in front of pole with smokin' hot wife -- Lucky.

Running to catch old fashioned trolley cars -- Exhausting.

Stumbling upon an H & M with a baby/kids section while trudging around to find a bus -- Life Changing.

Blue skies and Union Square -- Mezmorizing.

Riding on a bus while hungry -- Torturous.

Burritos at Papalote -- Worth the wait.

California Academy of Arts and Sciences in Golden Gate Park -- Reece's Dreamland.

de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park -- Artsy Fartsy.

Golden Gate Bridge -- Windy, Terrifying, Beautiful.

Crappy $5 ice cream cone -- Devastating.

Wicked -- Wicked.

Walking back to the hotel on Market Street at 11 p.m. -- Sketchy.

Day One in San Francisco -- Rockin'.


Lisa and Mark said...

um, is the kids section thing new?? was that the union square h&m?? PLEASE, PLEASE tell me! i want my life changed, too!

Jessica and Reece said...

Lisa, I don't know if it's new, but it's amazing. It was the Union Square H&M and the kids/baby section is on the second floor. Go there immediately!

Amy said...

Sometimes I want your life. This is one of them.

Adam and Tara said...

h&m kids section?? holy crap. were the prices just as good?

Jessica and Reece said...

Tara, the entire baby/kids section was 20% off when I was there! It was SO cheap! I got Lola a little skirt, dress and shoes for like $15 bucks total! I might move there and live outside the H&M in a tent just so I can get all the new merchandise.

Cindy said...

When my sisters and I went to SF on a trip my sister spent hours in the H&M children's section. She was more excited about the children's clothing than her own. It looks like you found some adorable stuff.

De Rosa said...

Comment number 4-I heart H&M and I think that we need to do a girls trip to cali and go for baby H&M non stop but tell our husband that the trip is only for something that doesn't consist of money. I am pretty sure they would fall for it, especialy if we throw a computer game in front of them.