James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An Excerpt From Lamaze Class...

Instructor: "Okay moms, it's time to find your focal point. Lock your eyes on your partner's face. Let that face ease you through this contraction."

Reece: "You are so lucky Jess."

(Sidenote: I chose to focus on the mysterious black thing stuck between his teeth instead. It was much more interesting.)


Amy said...

Ha ha ha!

Logical Libby said...

Do you want me to give you a picture of me to be your focal point? Or you can take one of the monkeys on my desk...

Shannon said...


You need to tell me more about the classes you've taken / will take. I'm looking into some now for signups. Any advice would be great!

Kimba said...

Ohmygosh, I could never do that! Seriously, when they told the men in our birthing class to get in front of our faces and talk to us, I whipped to Caleb and was like NO! YOU WILL NOT DO THAT, YOU HEAR ME?!

I remembered her saying we needed something to focus on while in labor, especially in the transitional phase, and when I was in it I was like hmm...focus...focus on...that clock! no....the curtain! Okay no, wait, she said go to a happy place...

I pretty much just thrashed around not really looking at anything until that blessed tiny epidural. :) That's what I get for refusing to participate in class. Except for the massage part...

Muncher Cruncher said...

hahaha...you crack me up girl. Love it.

Abby said...