James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend Update: 20 Down...

Behold, the belly:

A little color-coordination for you there.

But even more prominent, is my ever-expanding midsection. I REALLY feel pregnant now. Sleeping comfortably has become a challenge, I finally gave in and purchased a new bra (*You don't even want to know) and my once "flowy" shirts cling like a needy ex-boyfriend. And along with all this comes the realization that I am halfway there. Crazy.

Baby girl is currently as long as a banana (come to think of it, I've been craving banana's like a monkey. Coincidence?). She's become a drinking woman, swallowing like mad. And as I mentioned in a previous post, she's mamma's little kicker.

Baby and I enjoyed a fabulous trip to Arizona this week, but we are glad to be back home with daddy and the cats. I think the next road trip we take together will include an actual carseat, and a lot more crying.

I've been advised by my mother-friends to start buying diapers now. Strange, since we still have over four months to go. But who am I to question motherly wisdom? I hope I gain some of that stuff.

For now, it's off to bed and back to reality. I love vacations. Pregnant women should take them often. That's all I'm saying.


Kimba said...

You are so cute. :) Glad you had fun!

Can't wait to see you guys soon! Got Reece's message (sorry, I was attempting to put Wy down) and we need to get together! I have some pants for you... :)

Abby said...

You are the cuteness.

And yes, that sentence makes sense.

Kristin said...

You are looking great!

I'm glad the trip was a success! I definitely need a vacation...

OnlineGuy said...

You are looking so great! And yes, it is so funny, but if you can start just getting a box/pack of diapers every time you go to the store it will help absorb the cost of the new baby a lot easier. That's what Brian and I did and we haven't had to get diapers yet- and Russell is 5 1/2 months old. We have a whole closet full- just remember to get different sizes and keep the receipts, just in case you don't use all of one size. :) Sorry, I'm sure you get enough baby advice as it is- but I hope you are feeling well- you look cute!

Adam and Tara said...

You look adorable and I love the coordination with the shower :) I need to see you in person with your cute belly and feel the kicking.

Rachelle said...

I hope I'm as hot as you when I'm pregnant (someday, maybe).

Love you!

Lindsey Bell said...

I wouldn't get diapers yet. You don't know what size your baby will be when she is born. She may be in newborn size for months or be born too big for newborn diapers (like my nephews...). You end up spending the same amount of money anyway, but if you wait, you will at least buy the right size :). Makenzie stayed in newborn for three months but I don't think she will last too much longer in Size 1....