James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Thursday, March 26, 2009

News of the Positive and Negative Nature...

The Good:

*"For real" 21 week ultrasound reveals "she" is, in fact, a she. Well done, European mall doctor.
*"For real" ultrasound reassures first time parents of the existence of a healthy, happy and very kicky 5 month old fetus.
*Icy deliciousness of Crown Burger soft serve now a daily staple in the pregnancy diet.

The Bad:

*Snow falls in Salt Lake City... in MARCH.
*Routine check up results in pricked finger.
*Said finger prick reveals anemia. Thus, red meat must also become a pregnancy diet staple.


Mrs. Gibbons said...

Ew! Don't do it Jess. Don't go to the red meat. You don't need it. Can you cure your anemia with something else??? (P.S. Did you know that I went vegetarian for like a year and half? And now I just don't eat red meat or pork.) I think you can get what you need from another source...hopefully. :)

Brooke Hill said...

The good and the bad with pregnancy. You are so cute Jess, I love reading all about it!! Miss ya! Tell ur hubby hi@

Jenna said...

Hey, remember when I was pregnant and I used to get dizzy and have to lay in the control room for hours until I felt better?


Cure: Slow release iron pills. Saved my life. There's one called Slow Fe, but most stores have a generic that's far cheaper.