James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why, thanks: ten...

Yesterday afternoon, James partied hard with Nana and Pop Pop Ivins while Lola and I enjoyed a little mama/daughter date at EnergySolutions Arena downtown with a few of our good friends.

Oh how I love spending time with my girl, who, by the way, really has become a little girl.
I'm not sure there's any toddler left in there.

When did that happen?

I'm thankful that Disney pays a bunch of ice skaters to dress up in crazy, elaborate costumes and perform numbers from some of its most prized animated films, because goodness gracious, my daughter was in heaven.

I'm also incredibly thankful for the princess crown I found while rifling through the dollar section of Target.
Oh, and while we're at it, I'm eternally thankful for that blessed store.

I'm thankful that Lola is easily distracted -- thus making it possible to avoid a meltdown when I had to say no to the $16 Rapunzel mug she so desperately pined after.
"Please mom?  Yoya want one!"
Sorry Lola.  It's that or your college education. 
But to be honest, I kind of wanted one too.

I'm thankful for the inevitable outtakes that occur when attempting to get three kids under the age of three to smile for a photo.

Kind of adorable.

 Very thankful for a magical night with my favorite little lady.
And yes, I did just use the term "magical."
Sometimes I embarrass myself.


Alysha and Jason said...

I'm so jealous! I want to go with you two! I'm sure Yoya loved it. :) Love you both!

AJ and Cindy said...

that looks like a wonderful time! and I am sure lola was in absolute heaven :)